Self Connection

Knowing your own value and character brings about a different type of self-understanding and connection. You begin to see who you really are and what you stand for you.  It allows you to know what you are willing to accept and what you are not. Self-connection helps you be in touch with yourself and seek answers from within. 


Learning more about your identity and analyzing your interpretations of the outside world enhances your self-connection as it allows you to understand yourself. It takes great effort to look deeply within yourself because you will not like everything you discover. As you come to recognize your flaws and weaknesses it is important to understand these areas of who you are so that you know what is best for you. 


Being in touch with yourself gives you the opportunity to see yourself in its purest form by knowing your good and bad, your true self. In order to grow and evolve you must be able to confront yourself when you know you are sabotaging yourself or others. It is about having the courage to be honest with yourself even when it hurts so you can allow yourself to become better.


Being self-connected helps you develop insight into oneself and staying true to who you really are. Self connection allows you to know and discover your value so you can determine what you will allow versus what you will not. It is trusting yourself enough to seek answers from within and gaining self-knowledge.


Mind | Body


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