Our Mission

Our minds are connected to our bodies, it is one together. How we think and feel often affect our physical being. We may not be aware just how the two feed each other but there is a direct link between the mind and body. Breaking mental barriers is as important as overcoming physical challenges. Training our bodies to become stronger and healthier impacts our minds such as how you think. M|B wants to support, encourage, and share different ways that can help you connect with your mind and body. 


Learning about yourself can at times be intimidating as it requires deep thought and pure honesty. Being able to accept and discover different parts of who you are can empower you, and help you create a stronger connection with yourself. Being self-connected allows you to gain self-control and self-freedom that will only help you become a better version of yourself. 

Fitness is another approach because it improves physical health and mental behavior. Overcoming challenges and fulfilling goals is an empowering accomplishment but it also reveals information about who you are, your reaction, and thought process. It leaves more room for growth! Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help guide you by knowing what you need to focus on and improve.


There is so much information at our fingertips yet it can feel as if we lack information. We all live in a world that is influenced by social and cultural expectations. We are conditioned by our very environments from our upbringing, schooling, and social environment which has influenced us in many ways. This is not necessarily bad but this should encourage self-thought and reflection. Our environments impact us more than we may realize. 


Discovering who we are or our vocation is not often taught, however this is a great start. There are many ways of discovering different areas about yourself like overcoming challenges, trying new alternatives, or learning a new skill. It may not always be simple but it is self-rewarding. Learning more about who you are while improving can be the start of a new beginning. As change happens overtime so do we, part of being human is growing which requires us to periodically visit this arena.


Many times we catch ourselves chasing the wrong idea, person, or we do it for the wrong reason. We are surrounded by so many distractions that it often interferes with our thinking more than we realize. There are so many external factors that create mental blockages which prevent us from taking control or think for ourselves. How we feed our mind becomes how we see ourselves and the world, similar to how our bodies health depends on how we care for our physical being. Our mission is to share our passion in the hopes to encourage others to connect with their mind and body.


Self Connection