
Finding what you seek depends on how far you are willing to search and how deep you are willing to dig for it. Much of what people seek is entangled with the long term. In order to find what you are looking for you must be determined to find it, even when you think you will not. As you go on, you will begin to figure it out, step by step through relationships, work, projects, interests, etc. It will unravel but it will also depend on how closely you are paying attention. 


As you move forward with new information we simultaneously leave what is no longer useful or relevant behind. Your conclusions should come from your personal hypothesis not from others. They cannot determine what is meaningful or right for you, it must resonate with you in order for it to be authentic. It happens through your personal experience, by your journey, and introspection that allows you to evaluate honestly. 


Often, many become misguided into directions that benefit others rather than themselves. It is wise to know your objective and what you seek so you can guide yourself back to your own path when you unknowingly derail. Staying true to yourself is one of the certain ways to help yourself from misleading social impacts you are constantly surrounded by. What are you seeking? Can you live without it?


Mind | Body